6 Of The Best Ways To Clean Cat Pee In Your Home You probably know cat pee can be difficult to get rid of completely. Here are the best ways to clean…
Pet Sitters Week: 6 Signs Your Kitty Loves Your Cat Sitter We know you love your cat sitter or you wouldn't have hired them. But how do you know if your…
5 Steps For Keeping Your Cat Safe During A Tornado Tornado season mostly occurs from March to June in the area of the US known as Tornado Alley. Be aware,…
Cat For President: 7 Amazing Cats Who Ran For Political Office In the spirit of Presidents Day, it's a good time to think about our world leaders. Meet these seven amazing…
5 Ways To Stop Cat Aggression & Unwanted Behavior Cats can become overly stimulated with too much pent-up energy and no good way to release it. These solutions to…
7 Tips For Controlling A Stinky Litter Box There are many different factors that can contribute to a stinky litter box, so here's a primer to help you…
How To Keep Your Cat Safe During A Blizzard A blizzard is a dangerous winter storm. You and your pets do not want to be caught in one! Here's…
Lets Talk About Keeping Cats Safe During Winter Storms For many of us, the season brings a few challenges and dangers. Here are a few tips on how to…
5 Winter Cat Grooming Tips To Help Kitty’s Coat Through The Cold, Dry Months When it comes to grooming your cat, they may not always be calm and quiet. Here are some tips to…
4 Creative Ways To Cat Proof Your Christmas Tree Cat-proofing your Christmas tree doesn't have to be boring or take away from your home's Christmas cheer. It can even…
10 Things Every Cat Lover Can Be Thankful For On Thanksgiving Having a cat brings a lot of joy into your life. A constant companion who loves you and always "mews"…
Myths & Legends: Why Cats Are Linked With Halloween Cats have long been associated with Halloween. There are many legends and myths all throughout history that may have added…