Cat Safety: 7 Hidden Dangers Of Halloween Halloween marks the beginning of the holiday season for us humans, but did you know that next to the 4th…
Is It Okay To Dress My Cat Up For Halloween? Cats tend to be a lot more sensitive and emotional than most dogs, which is why you see far fewer…
17 Awesome Reasons To Have A Cat In Your Life [VIDEOS] They say that a dog is a human's best friend, but every cat lover knows this isn't accurate. Cats can…
Top 5 Tricks You Can Teach Any Cat With Clicker Training [VIDEOS] Cats are highly intelligent, motivated, and very trainable if you use the right tools. The best of these tools might…
5 Stories Of Less Adoptable Cats & The Humans Who Adopted Them & Never Regretted It [VIDEOS] In honor of Adopt A Less Adoptable Pet Week, we’re sharing stories of less adoptable cats whose humans found out these…
Purrs Versus Roars: The Secret Reason Why Cats Who Purr Can Never Roar Have you ever wondered why domestic cats purr but are never seen roaring? Meanwhile, big felines like lions can let…
6 Surprising Causes Of Separation Anxiety In Cats Cats have all different forms of separation anxiety, ranging from very mild to all-out destructive. But what causes a cat…
How Dirty Are Your Cat’s Paws? Every day, your cat goes to the litter box, walks around inside it, and even covers their business up before…
The ‘Cat Handshake’: How To Introduce Yourself To A New Cat What's the best way to do a "cat handshake" and make a great feline first impression? Here are some tips…
Is Your Cat Insecure? 6 Surprising Signs Of Insecurity In Cats Cats thrive on feeling safe and secure. When their security disappears, a lot of behavior problems can suddenly appear, seemingly…
The Cat’s Meow: Do You Know Why Cats Meow? Has your cat ever meowed non-stop to get your attention? Did you ever wonder where they learned to do that?…
How To Get Your Cat To Take A Pill Have you ever tried to get your cat to take a pill, only to have them immediately spit it out…