Woman drinking wine on couch with cat
(Picture Credit: Drazen_ / Getty Images)

Drink Wine Day: 5 Cat-Themed Gifts To Celebrate With Your Kitty

February 18th is a hashtag holiday known as Drink Wine Day! Obviously, you should never attempt to coerce your cat into sipping a little vino — but that doesn’t mean you can’t share the holiday together.

After all, you’re never drinking alone when your cat is around!

Check out these five feline-themed — and cat-appropriate — gifts you can purchase for your Drink Wine Day celebration with Fluffy!

1. Cat Wine

Wine for cats
(Picture Credit: PetWinery via Amazon)

Have you heard about cat wine? It’s basically a non-alcoholic liquid infused with catnip.

Treat your favorite feline to a night on the tiles with this set of cat wine, complete with Purrgundy and Meowsling flavors. The catnip kick may also have your kitty feeling a little tipsy.

You can get it on Amazon here!

2. Cat Mom Wine Glass

cat mom wine glass
(Picture Credit: Waipfaru via Amazon)

Show off your proud cat parenting status with this wine glass that’s emblazoned with the slogan, “Best cat mom ever.” The white text pairs best with a healthy pour of red vino.

The vessel also features a feline packing a whole lot of attitude.

You can get it on Amazon here!

3. Cat Wine Stopper

Cat wine stopper
(Picture Credit: Wild Eye via Amazon)

For those nights when you take a long cat nap on the couch before you can finish off the entire bottle of wine, reach for this gold, stainless steel, feline wine stopper.

Just overlook the part about the cat’s butt helping to plug the bottle.

You can get it on Amazon here!

4. Catnip Wine Bottle

Catnip wine toy
(Picture Credit: Alice’s Cottage via Amazon)

While you sit back with a fancy glass of wine, let your cat get in on the relaxation with these miniature toy wine bottles filled with catnip.

The Cat-bernet is said to be a fine pick for these cold winter months.

You can get them on Amazon here!

5. Sphinx Wine Bottle Opener

Cat wine bottle opener
(Picture Credit: Plaisir de la Cave via Amazon)

Finally, what better way to crack open that well-deserved bottle of wine than with a bottle opener shaped like a regal kitty?

The contraption also features rose gold plating to impress the fanciest of felines.

You can get it on Amazon here!

Do you enjoy a glass of wine at home while hanging out with your cat? Are you spending Drink Wine Day with a special feline companion? Then tell us about it in the comments below!

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