Close-Up Of Smiling Woman With Cat Lying On Sofa At Home
(Picture Credit: Pakorn Polachai / EyeEm/Getty Images)

7 Ways To Tell That Your Cat Loves You!

Cats may not always run to the door with their tails wagging when you get home like dogs do, but they have plenty of other ways to show their love.

The traditional stereotype of felines being stand-offish and aloof is quickly being shattered by videos and stories of loving, caring kitties.

But cats do have a language that is uniquely theirs. This means that your kitty could be saying “I Love You” and you might be missing it! Here are seven ways that your cat might be expressing their love.

1. They Groom You

Don’t think it’s weird if your cat starts licking your hand or your feet as if they’re trying to clean you. They’re probably trying to help you look your best!

Mother cats groom their kittens, and sibling cats often groom each other.

If your cat is trying to groom you, it’s because they consider you part of their family.

2. They Slow Blink

Cute red cat screws up his eyes in sunlight
(Picture Credit: Pshenichka/Getty Images)

Slow blinking is a sure sign that your cat loves you.

A slow blink consists of your cat staring at you and then blinking very slowly. It’s a sign of love or trust — almost like a kiss!

Many feline behaviorists say that if you slow blink back, you’re communicating your love via your cat’s language.

3. They Raise Their Tail

Cats communicate a lot about how they’re feeling through the way they hold their tails.

A puffy tail is a sign of fear or aggression, and a low tail is a sign of insecurity.

But a tail raised straight up into the air or ending in a question mark is a sign of happiness and confidence. If your cat walks around with their tail raised proudly, they’re happy and content to be by your side.

4. They’re Lying Belly Up

Cute ginger cat lying in bed. Fluffy pet is gazing curiously. Cozy home background, morning bedtime.
(Picture Credit: Konstantin Aksenov/Getty Images)

Cats won’t expose their bellies to just anyone because doing so makes them vulnerable.

If your cat flops down on the ground in front of you and rolls onto their back, it’s a huge sign of trust and love.

But be cautious and don’t take the exposed belly as a sign that they want you to actually pet their belly. Some cats are fine with this, but some cats will turn all claws when you try.

5. They Follow You Everywhere

Some cats are so attached to their humans that it’s almost like they imprinted on you.

If your cat follows you around like a little duckling, this is a definite sign of love, and you’re one very lucky cat parent.

But don’t despair if kitty doesn’t do this. Your cat still loves you; they’re just a little more independent.

6. They Do Head Bunting

Young woman bonding with calico cat bumping rubbing bunting heads, friends friendship companion pet happy affection bonding face expression, cute adorable kitty
(Picture Credit: krblokhin/Getty Images)

Cats like to “mark” their territory by rubbing their head, cheeks, or bodies against something they claim is theirs.

So if kitty is head bunting your hand or rubbing against your leg, this is your cat’s way of claiming you as their own.

7. They Make Trills And Vocalizations

Some cats are more vocal than others. If your cat has developed a special “trill sound” for talking to you, you can definitely take this as a sign of love.

Your cat may announce their presence with a trill or make a sound when you come home. These trills are signs that your cat is really happy that you’re there, and they want to let you know.

There are many other ways that your cat may show their love, but these are seven sure signs to notice. Cats are very affectionate creatures, even if they don’t always act in the same overt ways that dogs do.

You can develop your bond with your cat by playing with them, petting them, brushing them, and giving them catnip and treats.

What other ways does your cat show you love? What signs of feline affection do you love to see? Let us know in the comments below!

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