Cat Breeds That Love Water
Maine Coon
(Picture Credit: GrashAlex/Getty Images)
This big, furry lug was a popular ship’s cat in their native New England. No self-respecting sea captain left on a voyage without one.
The Maine Coon boasts a dense, water-repellent coat that comes in many colors and patterns.
Norwegian Forest Cat
(Picture Credit: Astrid860/Getty Images)
As befits a Viking cat, the Wegie, as they're nicknamed, is an intrepid fisher who's known to snag fish from lakes and streams. Watch out if you have an aquarium!
Cousin to the Maine Coon, the Norwegian Forest Cat also sports a thick coat that repels water.
(Picture Credit: maxoidos/Getty Images)
The adventurous Aby hails from Indian Ocean coastal areas, so it's no surprise that they take to water play. It's likely that this energetic and fun-loving cat came to Europe by ship in the 19th century, which may have reinforced their comfort with the wet stuff.
Don't be surprised when your Abyssinian learns to turn on the faucet so they can have their own personal water park.
(Picture Credit: Aletakae/Getty Images)
A native of the Isle of Man off the coast of Britain, the Manx is an island cat par excellence. It's not unusual to find them dabbling their paws in their water dish or even joining their humans in the shower.
Their double coat can be short or long and comes in many different colors and patterns.
Japanese Bobtail
(Picture Credit: NancyAyumi/Getty Images)
Another island-born cat, the Japanese Bobtail is fond of splashing in water. Keep an eye on them to make sure they aren't raiding your koi pond or aquarium, and check your faucet frequently to make sure they haven't turned it on to run a bath.
Their usual tricolor coat of red and black on a white background also comes in other colors and patterns and is water-resistant.
(Picture Credit: Kurgu128/Getty Images)
This cat has the exotic appearance of a small wildcat, and indeed they were created by crossing an Asian Leopard Cat with a domestic feline.
The breed today doesn't retain any wild blood, but that heritage is probably the source of the Bengal's love of water. If given half a chance, they will happily join you in the bath or shower.
American Bobtail
(Picture Credit: Jane-Khomi/Getty Images)
This short-tailed cat is the result of a natural genetic mutation. Along with that mutation, apparently, came a love of water. They can often be found dunking their toys in water.
The American Bobtail has a shaggy coat that comes in short and medium lengths and any color or pattern.
(Picture Credit: CaptureStock/Getty Images)
This large, active, and curious cat was created by crossing the serval, a small wildcat, with domestic cats. That no doubt accounts for the pleasure they take in playing with and in water.
They are very smart and can be a handful. The Savannah stands out for their boldly marked coat, long neck, and large ears.
Turkish Angora
(Picture Credit: Instants/Getty Images)
Don't let their delicate, beautiful appearance fool you. Like their cousin the Turkish Van, the Turkish Angora is fond of water and will play in it readily.
They swan through life in a long, silky coat that comes in many more colors than the trademark white for which they are known.
Turkish Van
(Picture Credit: Sergio Amiti/Getty Images)
Legend has it this Turkish breed swam ashore from Noah’s Ark after it came to rest on Mt. Ararat. Nicknamed “swimming cat” for their love of playing in water, the Turkish Van won't hesitate to explore any body of water they come across -- from your toilet to your swimming pool.
They can be klutzes, so make sure they can swim in case they fall in -- it's not always a natural skill. You may want to provide them with a child's pool that they can lie in during the heat of summer.