As pet parents, we're responsible for knowing our cats' needs and wants, so we have to be able to know…
If you own a cat -- or one owns you -- you’ve almost certainly heard the hacking sounds and cleaned…
Sometimes big siblings have to take care of their little brothers and sisters. Mittens the cat takes that duty very…
Cats can use scratching posts to naturally keep their nails in good shape. However, there are times where you will…
As hard as these final days are, I like to help families find a way to make to make this…
Humans have been debating about which way the toilet paper roll should go for ages. Up and over, or down…
Whether you foster for a public animal shelter or a private rescue, you are providing a home for an animal…
While it’s important to think about what your pet's final days will look like with palliative care, treatments, and rituals,…
We've all heard the phrase "let sleeping dogs lie," but the human in this video didn't know that the old…
Cats can be vicious predators, as seen in this horrifying video where a kitten attacks a small, defenseless potato for…
If you have lost your cat, or any animal friend, know first that your grief is real and valid, and…
According to VCA, about 25 percent of vet visits for dogs are due to skin problems. When nutrition issues are at…