Grey cat waking from his nap to turn on his back and yawn.
(Picture Credit: Paula Daniëlse/Getty Images)

Fur Laughs: Cat Gets Very Grumpy After Rude Awakening From Human [VIDEO]

We’ve all heard the phrase “let sleeping dogs lie,” but the human in the video above didn’t know that the old adage applies to felines, too! That is one grumpy kitty.

No one likes a rude awakening, especially during a lovely cat nap. It’s no wonder the cat above has something to say about it. Cats sleep, on average, about 16 hours a day, and they need all that beauty sleep. So don’t interrupt them, or they may tell you off — or worse!

And speaking of sleeping cats, did you know you can tell a lot about a cat from their sleeping positions and behaviors? Here are a few facts about your sleepy feline.

Facts About Cats And Sleep

(Picture Credit: Paula Daniëlse/Getty Images)

When it comes to felines, we all know that our kitty friends absolutely love to nap, catch 40 winks, and siesta their way through the day. So let’s dig a little deeper into the meanings behind cat sleeping patterns, positions, and behaviors:

  • If you see your cat sleeping on their side, that means they’re in a deep sleep.
  • If kitty is all curled up, tailed tucked in, that’s meant to suggest they’re looking to stay protected.
  • The cat loaf position — paws tucked underneath their body — means your cat is in a light sleep and ready to move or respond to any potential danger signs.
  • If you see your feline has fallen asleep on their back with their tummy exposed, that means they feel totally content and safe in their environment.
  • A well-enclosed cat feels protected from predators, so that’s why they might prefer to sleep in a good, old-fashioned box.
  • If your cat sleeps on you, it could mean that they’re looking for warmth; another reason might be that they enjoy your familiar smell, which imparts a sense of safety.
  • Cat snoring is likely caused by a temporary blockage in their upper airway. It’s worth mentioning to your vet, just to be safe.

Does your cat hate when you wake them up as much as the cat in the video? Or do you know better than to disturb your kitty’s beauty sleep? Let us know in the comments below!

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