(Picture Credit: Imgur)

Kitten Saved From Being Run Over [PICTURES]


(Image Source: Reddit)

Redditor lady-darlington tells a story of how she was sitting at a red light with a friend when they saw a kitten dart under a nearby truck. Luckily they were able to save the kitten before he got run over.

(Picture Source: Reddit)
(Picture Source: Reddit)

Well lady-darlington has posted an update to show how this sweet baby is doing now! They brought him home and gave him a bath. He’s had all his checkups and even got neutered.


(Picture Credit: Imgur)

Now he’s a happy, healthy, full-grown cat because someone cared enough to get out of their car in traffic and rescue him.


(Picture Credit: Imgur)

His name is Leopold and you can see more pics on Imgur!

Wag of the tail to LoveMeow!

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