Wags and Walks Dog Rescue Thirteen years ago, Lesley Brog rescued her first Pit Bull. She was living on her own in New York City…
Week 6: Tuesday (04/02):Put Resident Cat (RC) in the play area behind the “fence,” and placed New Cat (NC) in the dining…
Petties Awards ceremony moves to October Important announcement for all pet bloggers and their readers: The Petties Awards have been moved to October 12, broadcasting at…
National Animal Poison Prevention Week 2016 Do you know what to do if you suspect your pet has been poisoned? Are you aware of plants, foods…
CatTime’s 2013 Holiday Gift Guide Looking for the perfect holiday present for your feline? Take a look at more than two dozen offerings, including toys,…
Why You Should Adopt a Bonded Pair of Kittens Are you considering adopting a kitten? If so, you may wonder whether to bring home one or two. While adopting…
Bruno the Cat Returned Pet for Being ‘Too Affectionate,’ Finds New Parents The whole point of having a cat is for the cuddles, right? Unfortunately, some people think that it’s possible for…
Cat with Special Needs Has Cuddled More Than 100 Foster Kittens Since Adoption Everyone needs a cuddle now and then, even cats. And over 100 foster kittens have received healing, comforting embraces thanks…
Racing Cat Harassed With Death Threats After Participating in Dog Race Generally, agility and related sports are viewed as “for the dogs.” Competitions for dog sports like agility, flyball, and dock…