Woman wearing pink shirt cuddling with a rescue kitten.
(Photo credit: kali9 / Getty Images)

Oklahoma Kitten Rescue Opens Its Door for Cuddles

An Oklahoma kitten rescue organization opened its doors earlier this month for local residents to cuddle with the feline friends in its care.

Kitten rescue welcomes residents in for cuddles

According to Stillwater News Press, over 100 people arrived at Tiny Paws Kitten Rescue on June 16 to meet and snuggle with the kittens the organization cares for in Stillwater, Oklahoma. The occasion, titled Kops and Kittens, was an open-house adoption event in collaboration with the Stillwater Police Department.

“We weren’t sure what to expect, but I think it went really well for what we were trying to do,” Director Renee Huddleston told the news outlet. “I think people really like to see the kittens. We are not normally open to the public, so I think people take advantage being able to come in and see the kittens. Everybody likes kittens.”

That proved true when people flocked to the small facility for a chance to meet the fur babies. Cat lovers of all ages gathered to snuggle and share toys with the kittens.

Some wanted to do more than play with their new feline friends, however.

Noah Eustice, a 12-year-old who attended the event with his mother, was smitten with Chloe, a multi-colored female cat. Chloe arrived at the rescue with health issues but is faring better now thanks to the volunteers of Tiny Paws. The tween announced, “Mom, we’re getting this kitten,” as he cuddled with Chloe.

As it turned out, eight adoptions were a direct result of the open house this year. No word on whether or not Noah got to take home Chloe. (C’mon, Mom!)

“We’re hoping to make it an annual event,” Huddleston said of the open house. “We just stuck our foot in the water to see how it went this year. It wasn’t about making money; it was more about public outreach and connecting with the community.”

While Tiny Paws hosts up to two open houses a year, this event was the first collaboration with the City of Stillwater.

“I did not have a strong idea of what Tiny Paws did until they reached out to me to collaborate on this event,” Lt. TJ Low, public information officer, told Stillwater News Press. “Any time we can come together with another organization to connect with the community, we are all about it. We enjoy being part of those events because it is a way for people to approach us and get to know us in a calm and relaxed environment.”

Rescue preparing to celebrate 20 years serving the kitten community

Tiny Paws has a long history in the community. Holly Chapples, the former director of the local humane society, launched the rescue from her home in 2004. Next spring, the non-profit will celebrate its 20th anniversary saving kittens.

Huddleston emphasized that Tiny Paws does not profit from its kittens, but it does rely on donations, grants, and volunteers. The rescue is truly a labor of love.

The next opportunity to support Tiny Paws takes place on July 15 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Petco. The event features kittens (of course) plus a bake sale. (Pastries and pets — two of our favorite things!) Then, around Sept. 30, the non-profit will celebrate the 10-year anniversary of its Lowry Street location at another event. Talk about party animals!

Even if you don’t live in Oklahoma, you can still do your part to help kittens in need. Read up on what to do if you find stray kittens. Also, check out why you should adopt a bonded pair of kittens.

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