Let’s Talk About Holiday Safety Tips For Cat Lovers The Holiday Season is fraught with peril for curious kitties who are easily overlooked in the commotion and rush. Let's…
Beware Of These Winter Dangers That Could Hurt Or Kill Cats The weather outside is frightful, and so are many hidden winter dangers that could harm -- or even possibly kill…
Lets Talk About Keeping Cats Safe During Winter Storms For many of us, the season brings a few challenges and dangers. Here are a few tips on how to…
Check Out Iceland’s Super Weird Yule Cat Christmas Myth Over in Iceland, there's a much weirder cat Christmas myth that you might not have heard about. It's called Jólakötturinn,…
5 Thanksgiving Experiences That Cat Parents Are All Too Familiar With The table is set and the turkey is cooked to perfection -- and somehow your cat has turned your intricately…
November Is National Adopt A Senior Pet Month! Here’s What You Should Know November is National Adopt A Senior Pet Month -- a month dedicated to helping older pets find loving forever homes.…
Fur Laughs: We Absolutely Can’t Get Enough Of Cats Sitting Like Humans [VIDEO] Sometimes a cat just needs to kick back and relax after a long day of catting around. Luckily for us,…
Fur Laughs: Cat Learns About Cups & Suction The Hard Way [VIDEO] The kitten in the video above is learning the ins and outs and ups and downs of cups, and it's…
Cat Scratching: How To Make Your Cat Go ‘POST-al’ On A Scratching Post The first and perhaps most important item in your anti-furniture-scratching arsenal is a proper cat scratching post. Here's what you…
The Myth Of The Solitary Cat: True Or Busted? The solitary cat myth persists despite stories of cats following their humans to the bathroom, pushing their way onto their…
Black Cats: Halloween Hazards, Motivating Myths Black cats have never had it easy. In some cultures -- and for many individuals -- they represent bad luck…
Black Cat Syndrome: Why Black Cats Can Have A Harder Time Getting Adopted Just like black dogs, black cats can also have a hard time getting adopted. Many shelters refer to this as "black…