Ways To Take Care Of Your Cat’s Ear Health Grooming is essential to providing good care for your cat, and looking after your cat’s ears is an important part…
Top 10 Common Cat Behavior Myths That Are Totally False There are many misconceptions about cats that cause both social and physical problems for them. Here are ten myths about…
5 Ways Your Cat Can Teach You To Be A Better Person Maybe your cat has even made you a better human being than you were before they entered your life! Let's…
6 Cat Breeds That Behave A Lot Like Dogs Certain cat breeds act more canine than feline with traits like sociability, playing fetch, greeting their humans, and learning basic…
How To Help a Shy Cat Feel More Comfortable Some cats weren't well socialized as kittens, or they may have a genetic predisposition to shyness. You can take steps to…
Fur Laughs: Keymaster Cat Easily Opens Human’s Booby Trapped Door [VIDEO] For the cat in this video, opening doors is no problem. But how about a closed door with a pool…
4 Inexpensive Ways To Create Extra Room In Your Home For Your Cat Is your feline feeling a bit cramped? Cats can benefit from a few additions to their homes. Here are a…
Quick Tips For Keeping Pets Safe In A Natural Disaster Wildfires, hurricanes, earthquakes, and other natural disasters can occur without warning. As a pet parent, your disaster plan should include…
Fur Laughs: Cute Kitten’s Snoring Keeps Older Brother Awake [VIDEO] Humans aren’t the only ones annoyed by snoring. The kitten in this video has the cutest snore, but his older…
National Pet First Aid Awareness Month: Spread The Word To Keep Pets Safe April is National Pet First Aid Awareness Month -- a month we dedicate to teaching fellow pet parents about providing…
Adopt A Ferret Month: 5 Cute Videos Of Cats Playing With Ferret Friends April is Adopt A Ferret Month. Maybe your kitty would love a ferret sibling to keep them company. As these…
Super-Focused Cat Absolutely Cannot Be Distracted [VIDEO] The kitty in this video has certainly focused on something rather intently -- so intently that even pokes and prods…