Wags and Walks Dog Rescue Thirteen years ago, Lesley Brog rescued her first Pit Bull. She was living on her own in New York City…
Petbrosia offers nutritious, customized dog and cat food Based on the results of an online questionnaire, Petbrosia will create dog or cat food specifically for your pet; the…
Michigan Doctor and His World Record-Breaking Cats Are Making a Big Impact Dr. William Powers has been the proud dad of four world record-breaking cats. But besides making headlines, the Michigan physician…
Cats Love ‘Stray’ As Much As Their Parents In BlueTwelve Studio’s third-person perspective game, Stray, players navigate a cyberpunk dystopia as an orange tabby on a mission to…
7 Ways Kids Can Bond With Their Cats This Summer Now that summer vacation has begun, your kids are probably going to have more time to spend at home bonding…
Daily Dose Of Cute: Sleepy Cat Turns Dog’s Floppy Ear Into A Blanket [VIDEO] This tuckered out, grey-and-white kitty decides to repurpose one of the floppy ears of the household's resident Beagle into a…