Talk about throw the bums out: With approval for U.S. Congress at an all-time low, people are looking for new blood to fill the hallways of the nation’s Capitol. Voters in Virginia have their own ideas, as a cat named Hank is running for the U.S. Senate seat to be vacated by Sen. James Webb, a Democrat. Webb isn’t running for re-election.

Hank, a 9-year-old Maine Coon from Springfield running as an Independent, will take on former Virginia governors Tim Kaine (D) and George Allen (R), who are also running for Webb’s seat.
“Other politicians may talk about how difficult it is when there aren’t enough kibbles to go around,” Hank said in a statement on his website, “but I’ve been there. I know what you’re going through. When I’m elected to the Senate, I’m going to work hard to make sure that there is milk in every bowl across this great nation.”
Anthony Roberts, Hank’s owner, claims he and a friend initially started the campaign as a joke, but it has now taken on a life of its own. Hank has his own website, Twitter handle, and Facebook page, and he has raised over $250 from various donors.
Hank even has his own campaign ad: