A collection of more than two dozen “motivational” sign parodies featuring felines (collected from the Internet) that cover everything from video games to dealing with dogs:
How does your cat demotivate you?
(Another one for video-game fans) 8-Bit-Cat: Thank you, but our princess is in another castle! -
Affairs: “Honey...it isn’t what it looks like!” -
Cat armour: Are you serious? -
Cat flakes: Almost part of a balanced breakfast. -
Cats in white: Who needs men in black when you can have us? -
Cats: The real reason you’re always late. -
PhotoBombing cat: Tap-dancing his little heart out... -
Cat weights: Try and lift them, big guy. -
Doughnuts: Loved by all, including cats. -
Evil assassin cat: Stalking its prey. -
Evolution: Brace yourselves, humans. -
I didn’t do — oh wait… -
Imposter!!!!!! -
Oh look...your favorite pillow...whatever could have happened...it just suddenly exploded around me...such a pity... -
Patience: The only thing keeping you from eating that bird. -
Productivity: If a cat can use a computer, why can’t you? -
Seriously? Do you still wonder why I knock all the ornaments off the tree? -
(For Street Fighter video-game fans) Shoryuken -
Smoking: Yeah, I can quit whenever I want... -
Staring contest: Guess who’s winning? -
Until someone turns on the water, then all hell breaks loose. -
Things have been seen: That cannot be unseen. -
This cat has a mustache: Your argument is invalid. -
Tiny cat: The cutest piece of Photoshop you’ll ever see. -
You suck!!! Suck...that’s what you do...