Orange and white cat standing in the kitchen sink, drinking water out of the faucet.
(Photo credit: Whitney A. Brandt / Getty Images)

Pet Parent Problems: My Cat Is Drinking More Water Than Usual

Cats can have a weird relationship with water. Some cats don’t even drink enough to keep themselves hydrated. But what happens when cats drink too much water?

Cats can be private about their day-to-day habits, like grooming, using the litter box, and drinking. So if you’re noticing your cat is spending more time at the water bowl — or faucet, or even your water glass — then it’s likely a significant change.

One day of extra thirst might not be much to worry about. However, if your cat drinks extra water for more than a day, you should take notice.

So what’s going on when your cat is drinking too much water? Why are they so much thirstier than usual? What should you do about it? Here are a few words of advice.

Why your cat is drinking more water

Cats are susceptible to several health problems that exhibit as increased thirst. Unfortunately, kidney failure and diabetes (mellitus) are fairly common in middle-aged to senior cats.

Typically, the increase in water consumption is accompanied by weight loss and more urine output, so if you notice any or all of these, your cat should be seen by a veterinarian for an exam, blood work, and urinalysis.

Early detection is best. Kidney failure is more successfully managed in the early stages. Untreated diabetic cats can develop a potentially fatal complication called diabetic ketoacidosis.

Less consistently, increased thirst can be associated with hyperthyroidism, urinary tract problems, and even cancer.

One day of drinking extra water doesn’t necessarily mean anything is wrong, but multiple thirsty days is a good reason to see your veterinarian.

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