Close-Up Of Cat Looking Through Window
(Picture Credit: Jittarin Luangjai / EyeEm/Getty Images)

The Top 10 Smartest Cat Breeds In The World

Cats are good at figuring things out for themselves, especially the cats on this list of the smartest cat breeds in the world!

Felines are naturally curious, great explorers, and good at making a toy out of anything. It’s not unusual for a cat to have more fun with the packaging that their toys came in than the actual toys.

(Picture Credit: Jittarin Luangjai / EyeEm/Getty Images)

It’s similar to the way human children learn and play by experimenting and exercising their imaginations. Cats are able to entertain themselves, and they’re great at finding out how to get to new places.

If you’re not careful, your cat might outsmart you sometimes.

CatTime recommends this interactive cat toy to keep your brainy kitty busy and stimulated!

Here are ten of the smartest cat breeds in the world.

Is your cat one of the smartest cats in the world? Should any other breeds be on the list? Let us know in the comments below!

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