Louisiana Cat Trapped In Garage Door Is Unharmed When they got Bella out she had no injuries. She was not harmed by the garage door. A good warning…
Cats Fighting Or Playing? Aggressive cats can be dangerous to be around and aggressive cats are one of the many reasons it's better to…
Trapped Cat: Shared Fault And Responsibility? When rescuers arrived at the scene, only the cat’s legs were stuck in the glue. When they covered the cat’s…
Scooter: Paralyzed Cat Found As A Stray, Always On The Go [VIDEO] Good luck telling this cat what she can and cannot do... though her owners say she can't jump. It's about…
He Made A Career Photographing Homeless & Special Needs Animals: Meet The Furrtographer It all started in 2005 when he adopted a blind cat. Now, photographing homeless and special needs pets is his…
Kate McKinnon Loves Her Cat More Than Some Parents Love Their Children Saturday Night Live's Kate McKinnon loves her cat Nino. He was named after the pizzaria where he was found. This…
Matilda The Alien Cat Has Lost Her Big Eyes The photos are amazing and experts are completely stumped by her condition. Meet Matilda the cat that looks like an…
Guy Saves 3 Kittens Playing Pokemon Go The kittens are still bottle feeding and need around the clock care but will soon be available for adoption! Adopt…
Three Cats Stuffed In Small Crate Without Food Or Water During Heatwave RESCUED! Normally nobody would be at the shelter till Monday and the cats would have surely died by then.
40 Cats Rescued From House Fire In New York Seven died from smoke inhalation and cats ran from the home during the fire.
The Cats Of New Jersey’s Seaside Heights Are Being Kicked Out And Need Your Help Whatever happens, we hope they do the right thing and don't euthanize these cats. If you are in the Seaside…