Sickly kittens rescued from a cat hoarder in a cat cage looking through the metal door.
(Photo credit: fotocelia / Getty Images)

38 Cats and Kittens Rescued From Inhumane Conditions

Late last week, the Pasadena Humane Society rescued 38 cats and kittens who were forced to endure inhumane living conditions. The felines were found in a stationary travel trailer located in Monrovia, California — a location approximately 10 miles from Pasadena.

Cats rescued from hoarding situation

Staff from the Pasadena Humane Society discovered the kittens living in squalor and unsanitary conditions inside of the trailer. The animals were even without air conditioning.

According to a post from the rescue’s Instagram, the situation was called “an unfortunate hoarding case.” Staff from Pasadena Humane reportedly “spent the morning rescuing 38 cats from the cramped trailer of an overwhelmed caregiver.”

The post further shared that “[t]he poor cats, including multiple young kittens, are stressed, confused, and in desperate need of immediate help.”

Staff members ensured “the cats were carefully loaded into crates and quickly transported to the shelter” for veterinary staff to thoroughly examine.

The condition of the rescued cats and kittens

According to KTLA, rescuers who were on site believed many of the cats displayed a friendly temperament. Notwithstanding that hopeful observation, the felines were each seen by a veterinarian. Following a medical workup, the cats were “placed into kennels with food, water, and fresh bedding” — basic necessities they previously were denied.

Of the situation, the President & CEO of Pasadena Humane, Dia DuVernet, said, “I am happy to report that all the cats found living in the trailer are now safely in our care.” She continued, “Pasadena Humane is here to provide food, shelter and care for animals in need, and these cats certainly needed our help.”

Sick kittens in “horrible shape”

On Wednesday, Pasadena Humane updated the public on the status of the rescues. Pasadena Now reports the rescue discovered “that many of the kittens were in horrible shape” and emaciated. The organization attempted to save one of the sicker kittens, but even medical intervention was not enough to prevent the kitten’s death during the first night in the shelter.

Pasadena Humane has since quarantined the remaining cats and kittens rescued from the trailer after another kitten was found to be positive for panleukopenia. In a statement from Pasadena Humane, the organization said, “The poor kitten made it to us in the nick of time.” They believed “[w]ithout veterinary treatment, it is unlikely he would have survived.”

The Pasadena Humane staff is “heartbroken to see the state that these cats are in.”

How the kittens contracted FPV

Feline Panleukopenia virus (FPV) is also known as feline distemper. It is a life-threatening viral disease that attacks the blood cells. The virus can be particularly deadly for young or immunocompromised cats.

The kittens could have caught the virus from nursing on a cat which has FPV. The virus can also be contracted by cats who come into contact with infected blood, feces, urine, or fleas — all of which these kittens likely were exposed to in their former unsanitary conditions.

While panleukopenia is often deadly in kittens, survivors are immune from further infections caused by the virus for the rest of their lives. The often heartbreaking reality of FPV illustrates why preventative care is so important. For cats who are negative for distemper, there is a vaccine to protect them from contracting FPV.

How you can help

Pasadena Humane has asked people to consider contributing to their cause in order to properly treat and rehome all of the felines.

In a plea for support, DuVernet told KTLA, “With the busy summer upon us, resources are stretched to the limit. We really need our community’s help to find homes for all the cats and help support their care.” 

The rescue intends to make all of the healthy cats and kittens available for adoption. In the meantime, some of the kittens have already been placed with fosters. The organization will spay /neuter all of the cats before adopting them out. Staff will also be vaccinating and microchipping all of the felines.

You can contribute to Pasadena Humane online. To learn more about adopting or fostering any of the cats or kittens, visit their website.

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