Cat with a bow tie
(Picture Credit: MamiGibbs)

National Answer Your Cat’s Questions Day: 10 Questions Your Cat Wants Answered

January 22nd is National Answer Your Cat’s Questions Day!

Cats are complex creatures. Some of their actions may indicate they are nihilists (“I can knock this vase off your night stand and watch it shatter because morality is a false construct”). Others suggest they take pleasure in withholding, like when they walk over to be pet, bite you, and walk away.

Cats’ bizarre behaviors only make us wonder even more: what could they possibly be thinking about?

Well, they probably wonder about some of our strange behaviors, too. That’s why National Answer Your Cat’s Questions Day is so much fun! We get to think about what questions our cats would ask us, then answer those questions for our kitties’ benefit.

Do they understand our answers? Who knows? It’s just for fun! Here are ten things our cats would probably ask us if they could on National Answer Your Cat’s Questions Day.

Jokes aside, it is important to educate yourself on the way your cat can actually communicate to you via body language, little chirps, and meows. Even if you can’t answer some of your cat’s questions directly, you can still do a pretty good job of listening to what they have to say.

Maybe that will help you come up with answers your cat can understand on National Answer Your Cat’s Questions Day.

Is there something your cat is dying to know the answer to on National Answer Your Cat’s Questions Day? What questions do you think your kitty would ask you? Let us know in the comments below!

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